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한국노동연구원 전자도서관

KLI 발간물

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Crash proof: how to profit from the coming economic collapse

332.60973 CRA2007
272 p
Includes bibliographical references (p. 261-262) and index
How to profit from the coming economic collapse Profit from the coming economic collapse
위치등록번호청구기호 / 출력상태반납예정일
이용 가능 (1)
이용 가능 (1)
  • 등록번호
책 소개
The economic tipping point for the United States is no longer theoretical. It is a reality today. The country has gone from the world''s largest creditor to its greatest debtor; the value of the dollar is sinking; domestic manufacturing is winding down - and these trends don''t seem to be slowing. Peter Schiff casts a sharp, clear-sighted eye on these factors and explains what the possible effects may be and how investors can protect themselves. For more than a decade, Schiff has not only observed the U.S. economy, but also helped his clients reposition their portfolios to reflect his outlook. What he sees is a nation facing an economic storm brought on by growing federal, personal, and corporate debt, too-little savings, a declining dollar, and lack of domestic manufacturing. Crash-Proof is an informed and informative warning of a looming period marked by sizeable tax hikes, loss of retirement benefits, double digit inflation, even - as happened recently in Argentina - the possible collapse of the middle class. However, Schiff does have a survival plan that can provide the protection that readers will need in the coming years. distributed by Syndetic Solutions, LLC.
Preface Introduction: The Delusion of Real Wealth 1 The Slippery Slope: Consumers, Not Producers 2 What Uncle Sam, the Mass Media, and Wall Street Don''t Want You to Know 3 For a Few Dollars More: Our Declining Currency 4 Inflation Nation: The Federal Reserve Fallacy 5 My Kingdom for a Buyer: Stock Market Chaos 6 They Burst Bubbles, Don''t They?: The Coming Real Estate Debacle 7 Come On In, the Water''s Fine: Our Consumer Debt Problem 8 How to Survive and Thrive Step 1 Rethinking Your Stock Portfolio 9 How to Survive and Thrive Step 2 Gold Rush-Be the First Person on Your Block to Stake a Claim 10 How to Survive and Thrive Step 3 Stay Liquid Epilogue Books for Further Reading Glossary Index