한국노동연구원 전자도서관


한국노동연구원 전자도서관

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단행본Local economic and employment development

Flexible policy for more and better jobs

331.11 FLE2009
Paris : OECD, 2009
188 p
Includes bibliographical references
위치등록번호청구기호 / 출력상태반납예정일
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책 소개
In todays economic context, governments are required to take centre stage, helping workers to compete in the global market whilst also supporting employers so that they may retain jobs, increase productivity and offer better-quality employment at the local level. This book provides a new indicator for benchmarking labour-market policy, reviewing the flexibility available in its management throughout OECD countries. The research offers new evidence of the link between flexibility and employment outcomes. Concrete examples of how localities can harness greater flexibility to generate better economic and social outcomes are provided. The new style of management recommended in this book will be key to any national strategy for returning economies to prosperity. Table of Content : Executive Summary Chapter 1. A New Framework for Labour Market Policy in a Global Economy by Sylvain Giguere and Francesca Froy -New Complexity Arising in the Management of Labour Markets -New Tasks for New Challenges: Decentralisation -Partnerships, Intelligence and Capacity -Applications -Conclusion Chapter 2. Which Countries Have Most Flexibility in the Management of Labour Market Policy? An OECD Comparison by Francesca Froy and Sylvain Giguere -What Do We Mean by Local? -What Aspects of Flexibility Are We Looking At? -The Product of Decentralisation: Flexibility at the Regional Level but Not at the Local Level? -Countries Showing the Highest Level of Local Flexibility -Flexibility by Management Tools -Conclusion -Annex 2.A1. Public Employment Service Hierarchy in OECD Countries Chapter 3. Effects of Decentralisation and Flexibility of Active Labour Market Policy on Country-Level Employment Rates by Randall Eberts and Sylvain Giguere -Conceptual Framework by Randall Eberts and Sylvain Giguere -Survey Questions -Estimation Results -Discussion Chapter 4. The Trade-Off between Flexibility and Accountability in Labour Market Policy by Hugh Mosely -Introduction -Decentralisation -Accountability -Local Flexibility -Decentralisation and Local Policy Co-ordination -Capacity Building at the Regional and Local Level -Conclusion Chapter 5. The Role of Labour Market Policy in Horizonal Co-ordination by Randall W. Eberts -Introduction -Workforce Development and Economic Development: A Local Issue in a Global Economy -Provision of Workforce and Economic Development Services -Lessons from the Decentralisation and Horizontal Co-ordination Reform Initiatives -Issues Related to Workforce Development and Economic Development Co-ordination -Conclusion Chapter 6. What Can Governments Do to Meet Skills and Employability Challenges at the Local Level? by Dave Simmonds -Introduction -The Importance of Workforce Adaptability -Why Local Control Has Become More Important -Indicators for When Decentralisation is Needed -Make Policy Goals Consistent at the Central Level -Adapting the Strategic Framework to Improve Local Partnership -Conclusions: What More Can Be Done Annex A. Venice Action Statement on Enhancing Flexibility in the Management of Labour Market Policy
Chapter 1. A New Framework for Labour Market Policy in a Global Economy by Sylvain Giguère and Francesca Froy Chapter 2. Which Countries Have Most Flexibility in the Management of Labour Market Policy? An OECD Comparison by Francesca Froy and Sylvain Giguère Chapter 3. Effects of Decentralisation and Flexibility of Active Labour Market Policy on Country-Level Employment Rates by Randall Eberts and Sylvain Giguère Chapter 4. The Trade-Off between Flexibility and Accountability in Labour Market Policy by Hugh Mosely Chapter 5. The Role of Labour Market Policy in Horizonal Co-ordination by Randall W. Eberts Chapter 6. What Can Governments Do to Meet Skills and Employability Challenges at the Local Level? by Dave Simmonds