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한국노동연구원 전자도서관

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Democratize work: the case for reorganizing the economy

331 DEC2022
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2022
133 p
Includes index
위치등록번호청구기호 / 출력상태반납예정일
이용 가능 (1)
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  • 등록번호
책 소개
An urgent and deeply resonant case for the power of workplace democracy to restore balance between economy and society.

What happens to a society--and a planet--when capitalism outgrows democracy? The tensions between democracy and capitalism are longstanding, and they have been laid bare by the social effects of COVID-19. The narrative of "essential workers" has provided thin cover for the fact that society's lowest paid and least empowered continue to work risky jobs that keep our capitalism humming. Democracy has been subjugated by the demands of capitalism. For many, work has become unfair.

In Democratize Work, essays from a dozen social scientists--all women--articulate the perils and frustrations of our collective moment, while also framing the current crisis as an opportunity for renewal and transformation. Amid mounting inequalities tied to race, gender, and class--and with huge implications for the ecological fate of the planet--the authors detail how adjustments in how we organize work can lead to sweeping reconciliation. By treating workers as citizens, treating work as something other than an asset, and treating the planet as something to be cared for, a better way is attainable. Building on cross-disciplinary research, Democratize Work is both a rallying cry and an architecture for a sustainable economy that fits the democratic project of our societies.

Contributors include Alyssa Battistoni (Barnard College of Columbia University), Adelle Blackett (McGill University), Julia Cag? (Sciences Po), Neera Chandhoke (University of Delhi), Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen), Imge Kaya Sabanci (IE Business School), Sara Lafuente (European Trade Union Institute), H?l?ne Landemore (Yale University), Fl?via M?ximo (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil), and Pavlina R. Tcherneva (Levy Economics Institute of Bard College).

Introduction: For a Fairer, More Democratic, Greener Society Julie Battilana Manifesto: Work. Democratize. Decommodify. Decarbonize. From the Politically Impossible to the Politically Inevitable: Taking Action Isabelle Ferreras Democratize Firms . . . Why, and How? Helene Landemore Equal Dignity for All Citizens Means Equal Voice at Work: The Importance of Epistemic Justice Lisa Herzog Democratizing Work to Reverse Increasing Inequalities Imge Kaya-Sabanci Work in Dignity Adelle Blackett Dual Majorities for Firm Governments Sara Lafuente Rescuing Journalism by Decommodifying the Media Julia Cage Decommodifying Work: The Power of a Job Guarantee Pavlina R. Tcherneva All Workers Produce Value Neera Chandhoke The Subaltern Worker-Body Speaks; Will the Privileged Listen? Flavia Maximo Sustaining Life on This Planet Alyssa Battistoni Working Against an End: Shifting Gears for a New Beginning Dominique Meda Acknowledgments About the Authors Index