한국노동연구원 전자도서관


한국노동연구원 전자도서관


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  3. 소장자료 검색

소장자료 검색

단행본Employment Working Paper 91

Macroeconomic policy for “full and productive employment and decent work for all”: Uganda country study

EWP 91
Geneva : ILO, 2011
82 p. :. PDF file ;. 860 KB
책 소개
Since the “Great Recession”, a two-fold challenge has confronted many low-income countries. First, they had to find ways to curb and counteract the fall in domestic demand in their economies; and, second, they had to continue laying the basis for a more secure and sustainable path of growth, development and poverty reduction through structural transformation and diversification of their economies. Indeed, despite relatively high growth rates in a number of low-income countries in the period preceding the onset of the combined food, fuel and global financial crises, these economies often remain characterised by poorly developed productive capacities and insufficient diversification into activities that can absorb fast-growing populations into productive employment.