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한국노동연구원 전자도서관


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Reducing inequalities in Europe: how industrial relations and labour policies can close the gap

331.2094 RED2018
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018
612 p
위치등록번호청구기호 / 출력상태반납예정일
이용 가능 (1)
이용 가능 (1)
  • 등록번호
책 소개
This edited volume highlights that the sources of growing inequality emerge from mechanisms in the world of work. International debate has recently focused on increased income inequalities and the adverse effects they may have on both social and economic developments. This book examines the possible role of social dialogue and the social partners – and more generally industrial relations – in reducing inequalities. It addresses wage inequality as well as inequalities in the distribution of working time and access to jobs, training and career opportunities, social protection and pensions. Chapters give evidence from individual countries and a policy discussion at the European level identifies ways to carry out necessary transformations without generating further inequalities and social exclusion.
1. Curbing Inequalities in Europe: The Impact of Industrial Relations and Labour Policies 2. Labour Market Inequalities in Conditions of Limited Social Dialogue: The Case of the Baltic States 3. Belgium: Is Robust Social Concertation Providing a Buffer against Growing Inequality? 4. Social Dialogue in France under Pressure: Can Worker Security be achieved in a Context of Increasing Job Flexibility? 5. Social Dialogue in Germany: Innovation or Erosion? 6. Industrial Relations, Imposed Flexibility and Inequality during the Greek Great Depression 7. Social Dialogue and Inequality: Ireland 8. Italy: Industrial Relations and Inequality in a Recessionary Environment 9. The Netherlands: Is the Polder Model Behind the Curve with Regard to Growing Household Income Inequality? 10. Changes in Inequality Outcomes alongside Industrial Relations Transformation in Slovenia 11. Industrial Relations and Inequality in the Spanish Labour Market: Resilience and Change 12. Shaping the Future of Work in Sweden: The Crucial Role of Social Partnership 13. Inequality at Work in the United Kingdom: How Perforated Industrial Relations Worsen Inequalities and Hold Back Progress on Equalities Index